Standalone QTT
Bristol Temple Meads Train Station
Bristol Temple Meads
Bristol Temple Meads station
Station Approach, off Bath Road
Ticket office opening hours:
Monday - Friday - 06:15 to 21:30
Saturday - 06:15 to 21:30
Sunday - 06:45 to 21:30
- YES Waiting room
- YES Ticket machine
- YES Toilet
- YES Impaired Access Staff
Station facilities
- Accessible Public Telephones YES Yes
- First Class Lounge No
- Help Points No
- Impaired Accessible Ticket Machines YES Yes
- Impaired Mobility Set Down YES Yes
- Wheel chairs Available YES Yes
Impaired Access Staff Help Hours
Monday - Friday - 05:30 to 01:30
Saturday - 05:30 to 01:30
Sunday - 08:00 to 01:30 -
Accesible Ticket Machine
Accessible ticket machines are located at the station entrance by the ticket office.
- Helpline No
Helpline Contact Details
If you wish to book assistance but are not sure which train operator you are travelling with, you can call 0800 022 3720. On calling, you will be referred to the appropriate train operator.
- Helpline Contact URL
National Key Toilets
Radar Key available from station staff.
- Accessible Taxis No
- Impaired Accessible Booking Office Counter No
- Impared Access Staff YES Yes
- Impared Access Ticket Gate YES Yes
- Induction Loop No
- National Key Toilets YES Yes
- Ramp for Train Access YES Yes
Accessible Taxis
Accessible taxis are available
Booking Office Counter
Please request staff assistance.
Impared Mobility Set Down
Set- Down / Pick up Points are available at the station entrance. Assisted travel meeting point located at the customer information office - Platform 3. Please notify a member of staff.
Step Free Access
Lifts to all platforms and facilities. Ticket office is also step free.
Coverage: whole Station - Step Free Access Coverage Whole Station
Staff Help
Staff assistance is available; please request assistance from any member of staff if you have not booked assistance in advance.
- Availability YES Yes
- Note A dedicated Airport Flyer bus service connects BristolTemple Meads and Bristol Airport, with the journey taking approximately 25 minutes. Buses operate 24 hours a day and at peak times, leaves up to every 8 minutes. The Airport Flyer can be found on the station forecourt. To reach the station forecourt; exit through the ticket barriers, turn left and exit through the main doors. For more information, including timetables and ticket prices, please click here. (
Alternative Station Code
- National Location Code BRI
- Sixteen Character Name BRISTOL TEMPLE M
Baggage Services
- Left Luggage: Available No
- Left Luggage: URL
Bus information
- Bus Service: Availability YES Yes
- Bus Service: Note Buses can be found on the station forecourt and on the main road Temple Gate, situated at the bottom of Station Approach road.To reach the station forecourt; exit through the ticket barriers, turn left and exit through the main doors. To reach Temple Gate; follow the footpath to the bottom of Station Approach. Bus stops are situated on both sides of Temple Gate. Information on bus services, including city centre map, timetables and live service information can be found in the ticket hall. Ferry services connecting Bristol city centre can be found at Temple Back East. To reach the landing stage; exit through the ticket barriers, walk through the ticket hall, and exit through the side entrance marked for The Friary. Information to plan your onward journey is available in a printable format here. (
Cycle Storage
- Availability YES Yes
Please note cycles can be carried on our trains free of charge.
- Spaces 450
- Type Stands
- Closed Circuit TV YES Yes
- Cycle Hire: Note Brompton Dock 0208 232 3931
The main storage location for bikes is at The Friary at Temple Quay, just to the right of the ramped exit from the long stay car park.
A limited bike storage location can be found on Station Approach by Queen Anne's Gate.
There is no longer any bike storage inside the station.
- Sheltered YES Yes
Other amenities
- Waiting Room YES Yes
- Tourist Information Office No
Waiting Room Note
Waiting Rooms are located on Platform 5/7 and on Platform 13/15
Other transportation
- Cycle Hire YES Yes
Rail Replacement Services
Station front. Alternative: the lower approach road, outside the front of Bristol & Exeter House
Phones, Internet & Wi-fi
- Station Amenities: Telephone YES Yes
- Web Kiosk: Available No
- Station Amenities: Wi-Fi Free Wi-fi powered by The_Cloud (
- Telephone: Usage Type Cards And Coins
Car Parking Details
Phone number: 0345 165 2030
Operator Name: A P C O A Parking ( U K) Limited
Name: Station Car Park
Spaces: 374
Daily: £14.30
Weekly: £100.10
Monthly: £268.00
ThreeMonthly: £504.00
Annual: £1,463.00
Number Accessible Spaces: 0
Accessible Car Park Equipment: Yes
Accessible Car Park Equipment Note:Accessible ticket machine is available at the car park. Step free access from the car park to the station
Cctv: No
Monday - Friday - open 24h
Saturday - open 24h
Sunday - open 24h
Car Parking Details
Phone number: 0345 165 2030
- Toilets YES Yes
- Baby Change YES Yes
Toilets Note
Ladies, Gents and Baby Change are located in the Passenger Subway. The Baby Change is located next to the Ladies Toilets. An additional Baby Change facility is also located in the Accessible Toilet on Platform 13/15.
Accessible Toilets are located on Platform 3 by the Help Desk and on Platform 13/15.
Additional Ladies Toilets are located on Platform 10/12.
Station Location & Directions
- Latitude 51.44914299
- Longitude -2.581322795
Station Information
- Baby Change YES Yes
- Bureau De Change No
- Lost Property YES Yes
- Post Box YES Yes
- Shops YES Yes
- Seated Area YES Yes
- Station Buffet YES Yes
- Showers No
- Trolley YES Yes
- Wifi YES Yes
- Waiting Room YES Yes
Lost Property
Phone number: 03457 000 125
Operator Name: Great Western Railway - For details visit: - Lost Property: URL
- Customer Service Note Please call our Customer Services Centre on 03457 000 125 (07:00-22:00 every day)
- Lost Property Number 03457 000 125
- Staffing Level YES Yes
- Metro: Availability No
Ticketing Hours
Ticket Office Hours
Monday - Friday - 06:15 to 21:30
Saturday - 06:15 to 21:30
Sunday - 06:45 to 21:30
Ticket Office Hours
Monday - Friday - 06:15 to 21:30
Ticketing Services & Information
- Oyster Pre-Pay No
- Pre-Purchase Collection YES Yes
- Ticket Machine YES Yes
- Customer Service Note Situated by the ticket office.
- Penalty Fares NR
Smartcard Notes
Smartcard Issued: No
Smartcard Validator: No
Taxi Information
- Availability YES Yes
- Note The taxi rank is available on the station forecourt. If yourequire an accessible taxi please approach a member of staff for assistance. To reach the station forecourt; exit through the ticket barriers, turn left and exit through the main doors.
Dining and Shopping
- Dining & Shopping: Shops YES Yes
- Dining & Shopping: Station Buffet YES Yes
Mail and Express Services
Post Box: Note
The Post Box is located by the main gateline
Post Box: Note
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